The Social Business Club

We get it.

Instagram can feel challenging.

As a busy business owner or someone just getting started, you did not decide to follow your passion so that you could master Instagram, but you know the power that mastering Instagram can have on your business. 

We can help. 


Let's Talk About Who This Is For...

This membership is not for everyone, and as much as we'd LOVE to service everyone, we know we can't. If you are a social media manager or an Instagram maven, this is likely not for you, but before we get into that, let us tell you who this is for: 

You are a business owner 

You are growing a business (even a soul-hustle) and you want to figure out how to best use Instagram to connect with your ideal client and bring them in to your community. 

You want to use Instagram to sell

Sure, you want to show pictures of your cute doggo, but ideally you are using Instagram to make sales in your business (or hoping it will lead to that!). 

You're not looking for a 24 hour fix

The way we build on Instagram works, but takes some time, effort and an investment in wanting to build community. 

If this is you - you're in the right place! 

and above all...

Instagram will be easy

We know the algorithm-proof way to build your business on Instagram,
and we can't wait to show you how so you never have to feel like you

cannot use the platform. 


We have answers!

The reason we created this community is because the individuals who participated in our Instagram for Impact course had SUCH transformations that we needed to make it even more accessible to folks, and add the value of community. 

Will this work for MY business?



By following our methodologies and systems, you will definitely feel an increase in confidence on Instagram! We've worked with service based and product based businesses, and everything in between. 

Do you go over other platforms?

No, but... 

We do talk about how to repurpose your content! We just believe that Instagram is the best platform to build community in. 

Also, we are firm believers that you do not need to be everywhere!

Why Instagram?

Instagram is built for community.


We are obsessed with community, and we believe that Instagram is most primed for building a community around your business. Service or product, we know how to work the platform for optimal results.

"What a great learning experience to see where I had gaps in knowledge. I predominantly use Instagram for my business but through the course I saw the full potential of what I can do. With the supportive group environment, I started to implement learning immediately. I now have a content calendar prepared for the New Year. Thank you Social Snippet for creating the accountability group that I needed."

Natalia Harhaj

Life Purpose Coach


Read What Happy Clients Have to Say...


"I am so grateful for this group, I actually feel confident not only in my strategy but in my ability to create all my own content."


"I would 100% recommend this program to anyone who wants to know more about their IG."


"It helped me take very easy and actionable steps to really implementing and growing my Instagram."


"Now I have so much more confidence about my content and more understanding of how to use Instagram to have the impact I wish to have in the world."

Check out everything that's included:


As a member of the community, you get access to resources, workshops and learning modules that take you from "I don't know how to do this" to "this is easy!"

Access to a Team of Experts 

Maria, Kristina and their team of social media coaches are available in the community to answer any questions that you might have - no questions too big or too small! 

Monthly live calls

Wondering about the latest trend? Or have a specific question about your business? No problem! Our live calls are a chance for you to ask any questions you have to our expert team. 


Every month, you will receive templates and access to The Social Snippet hashtag bank which has optimized hashtags you can use for optimal reach!


You're not alone in this, and that is why you've got a community of other business owners who have the same questions as you and can give you new ideas. Collaboration over competition, right?

Bonus Trainings

We are in the know on all things Instagram from working with  hundreds of businesses on their social. We love to share these details and will be dropping them in our portal!

Total cost: $37 CAD monthly 

hi, we are Kristina and Maria!

Nice to meet you!

Prior to The Social Snippet, we've been working together for over a decade in many capacities. Although SO different (Manifesting Generator & Projector, if ya know ya know), we've always had a heart for one thing in common - a heart for service. 

While we were building Kristina's business entirely on Instagram with sold out launches and a small audience, we realized we needed to teach others to do the same. 

Since starting The Social Snippet, we have worked with hundreds of businesses to help them navigate Instagram with ease. 

Don't Delay

Enroll Today and Change Your Business For the Better! 

$37 CAD per month

© 2024 The Social Snippet. All rights reserved

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